Before founding Fast Lane Direct and opening our doors, our founder had never worked in a dealership, but by looking at the pre-owned vehicle business from a customer’s perspective, had some ideas about how one should be run. It is simple fundamentals that focus on our customers that help guide our business: Be straightforward. Be hassle-free. Be transparent. No games. No pressure. Let the customer decide and allow them to guide the process from beginning to end.
We depend on our customers for our survival and want the customer to have full control of the deal. To us, a customer is someone we want to serve and honor in a welcoming environment, not someone we want to wear down, bicker with, and try to out-negotiate. We want our customers to come back again and again and tell their family, friends and neighbors about their awesome experience with us, so it is paramount that we let the customer guide the process and feel comfortable with the freedom to walk away anytime… no hassle, no pressure, no games.
1. Up front pricing.
Our prices are among the most competitive in the country… and customers come from all over to buy from us! How do we do it? Simple… technology! We work “smarter” by using software that searches literally thousands of dealer website and online vehicle ads so we are always informed on where the market is on every single vehicle on our lot. We will make you a true believer by showing you where your new vehicle is positioned in the market so you have the utmost confidence in your purchasing decision! We price our vehicles to sell so we don’t have to apologize for the price or be concerned that you will find a better deal somewhere else! Again, the best deal is right here and the great news is you don’t have to negotiate or haggle it get it!
2. Pricing should NOT be a guessing game!
The lowest prices are clearly marked on all of our vehicles and on the internet… and the web price matches what is on the vehicle. Some dealers lure customers in with a low “internet price,” but when they arrive at the dealership, suddenly it is more expensive. Here, you also won’t see “call for pricing” or “email for pricing” that many other dealers will state so that they can size you up before telling you how much they are going to charge. Why are they keeping the price a secret? What are they hiding? They’re probably asking too much to begin with. We won’t make you fill out an online form before you see our inventory and pricing. You will find honest, up front prices displayed on the web and on the vehicles that we are proud to show our customers every time! Why doesn’t every dealer do that?
3. We are not going to try to talk you into buying something you don’t want or need.
Walk around our inventory, take a test drive, and feel free to leave and think about it for a few hours or a couple of days. Let us give you an “out the door” price in person, over the phone, or through email that includes TT&L, and if you want to give it some thought or crunch some numbers, we’ll be here if there is anything you need. We’re not going to try to sell you something that doesn’t fit your budget, and we’re not going to disguise or try to hide a bunch of unnecessary products or services in your monthly payment. We’re also not going to hold you captive or play games but we’ll be happy to help when you need assistance or make a decision!
4. Always fresh inventory!
From the day we put our vehicles in inventory, they are priced to sell. If we don’t sell them in the first few days, we will continually reduce the price until they do sell, even if that sometimes means selling a vehicle for less than we paid to put it in our inventory. This is why other dealers buy from us. This is why we have customers all over the country to purchase our vehicles. Compare our prices on the internet. Take our price to another dealer where they'll tell you they'll beat our price by $100, but be prepared for them to make up the difference somewhere else. Yes… we are that confident in our prices! Our inventory is priced to move and often near auction prices! Our inventory is always changing so check back often!
5. How well a customer is treated should not depend on their negotiating skills!
There is endless information on the world wide web on the vehicles our customers are looking for; from other dealer’s inventories to valuation tools that help guide consumers on what to pay. Surprisingly, some dealers still price their inventory as though the internet doesn’t exist. Why? Not sure, but we embrace the fact that our customers have shopped around on the internet and we know our customers are well-informed and have done their homework. We also know our customers have many choices on what to buy and what to pay, and we want to make sure our pricing stands tall when it is time for our customers to make a decision!
6. We want a comfortable buying experience for everyone.
We don’t have “sales” people, here you will find “specialists” who are here to help assist you with your purchase and complete the necessary paperwork, not “sell” you a car. Frankly, we don’t like the negotiation process either, and we want to work “with” our customers, not “on” them. Come by and look around, we won’t sprint across the lot to hunt you down. Our specialists are empowered to assist every customer without having to run to some back room to consult with a manager. If it makes you feel better, we don’t even have a back room. Relax, feel free to browse our inventory at your convenience, and reach out to us if there is anything you need.
The price should never be a secret and we want to earn your trust. Why? So you will never have to engage in hours of back and forth games to get the best deal. It is a waste of time for our customers and it is a productivity block for our business as well. Plus, we’re sure you have better things to do than hang out at a dealership all day and we want you to tell your friends and neighbors about your great experience here. We are confident and proud of where we have our vehicles are priced and we never have to put vehicles on “sale” to move them.
We are confident in our prices, and we reprice our cars often to make sure we are well positioned in the market. Our specialists are not trained to negotiate and frankly we’re not very good at it because we don’t have to be. Other car dealers will spend boatloads of money to sharpen the skills of their sales staff on tactics to out-negotiate their customers with the goal of getting as much money for their dealerships as possible. If you do like to haggle, the good news is there are plenty of other dealers out there that would love to negotiate with you… sometimes for hours. We price our vehicles competitively upfront and we don’t mind if you take your time to browse around to make sure. Our customers shop with us because we are easy to do business with, and we definitely want your business, but if you feel you can get a better deal somewhere else we don’t want to stand in your way!
You won’t have to negotiate to get that fair price for your trade either. The deal will be upfront on your trade and on your new purchase, and there won’t be a “basket shuffle” where we raise the price of your new car in order to give you more for your trade. We will give you our best price on both and not confuse the deal. Even if you don’t buy a car from us, what we offer for your trade will be the same and we will still buy your vehicle! That’s right! We’ll buy your car even if you don’t buy ours! If you decide you want to sell your old vehicle yourself, the price on your new car will still be what we promised (and we’ll even help you come up with a fair “private party” price for your vehicle if you want to take it home and sell it yourself)!